Reference Management Software
Reference management software basically gathers, stores and formats your references for you, which should save you a lot of time, repetitive tasks and labour. Most Bibliographic Referencing Software allows-
- To create bibliographic records for managing citations, either by manual entry or electronically, mainly from databases and library catalogue.
- Manage this data by allowing the addition of personal notes, attachments, and sorting of records.
- Link to word processing documents to insert in-text or footnote citations and construct bibliographies or references lists (Cite While You Write).
- Access a range of citation styles.
- Access a range of format types (book, journal article, book chapter).
- Use and share data among the groups.
Be advised that no reference/citation management tool is perfect, and you should always check the end result against referencing examples. Students are also advised to consult with their course teachers regarding the use of referencing management tools and citation styles for their assignments, reports, research proposals, theses and other academic write-ups. The library will answer your queries and provide training and workshop, so please contact us if you are having any difficulties.
Currently, the library offers a range of scheduled training on –
EndNote Basic
Besides the scheduled training, faculty members may request a customized session regarding the Reference Management Software for their students.
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