Md. Tanveer Ahsan
Library Officer
Phone: +880-2-55668200 Ext-1357
Email: mohammad.ahsan@northsouth.edu
Office: 2.5th floor, Periodical Section, Library Building.
Responsibilities: Periodical Management, Printed Thesis, Newspaper, Magazine, Printed Report.
Special Knowledge/Skills/Grants Received/Research/Publications
- ITEC Fellow (India):
Successfully completed two months fellowship training program on Modern Library Practice under Indian Technical & Economic Cooperation (ITEC) funded by the ministry of external affairs, Govt. of India in 2017.
- Post Graduate Diploma in PGDPM/HRD:
Completed one-year diploma course from Bangladesh Institute of Management (BIM), Ministry of Industry, Govt. of Bangladesh in 2008.
Completed a certificate course on Digital Librarianship from North South University in 2009.
- Special Course of HRM:
Completed short training in Human Resources Management from North South University in 2015.
- UGC/IQAC training :
Attended short training in communication, office corresponding, skill management, and leadership at North South University organized by UGC (University Grants Commission) and NSU IQAC (Institutional Quality Assurance Cell) in 2015.