Library Book Search
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Library Book Search
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ERIC Database
North South University Library Collections

Books on Bangabandhu
Total 2,178 title books collection are available at Bangabandhu and Liberation War Corner.

Research Facilities
Research Facilities on Bangabandhu and Liberation War of Bangladesh is supported by this corner.

Documentary and Movies
Total 108 Documentary and Movies are available in Bangabandhu and Liberation War Corner.
Library Opening Hour (During Ramadan)
Now NSU Library main sections (3rd, 4th floor & study hall) are
Now the Periodical Section and the Cyber & Audio Visual Section are
- Sunday-Thursday: 8.30 AM - 04.00 PM
- Friday: Closed
- Saturday : Closed
Library Documents
"We engage, inspire, and empower students, faculty members, and scholars of North South University by providing the best educational materials & research supports to achieve their full potential as global citizens and leaders."

Dr. Zahid Hossain Shoeb
University Librarian